Tuesday 9 September 2014

Going Global - Brazil

After researching many different countries, Room 1 has chosen 'Brazil' as the country we are going to focus on for our 'Going Global' topic for the rest of this term. Below are some of the things we have found out already. See if you can add to them by posting a comment below.

Brazil is in South America

They have won the world cup five times (world record)

It is the 5th largest country in the world.

It has the famous Amazon river. Unknown tribes live there.

Brazil share its borders with all Sth American countries except for Chile and Ecuador

It is the biggest country in South America

The climate is hot and so are the people.

The clothes are bright colour and cool.

It would be a fun place to go on holiday.

It is named after a tree called ‘Brazil wood’ 

There are 2500 airports in Brazil