Tuesday 9 September 2014

Going Global - Brazil

After researching many different countries, Room 1 has chosen 'Brazil' as the country we are going to focus on for our 'Going Global' topic for the rest of this term. Below are some of the things we have found out already. See if you can add to them by posting a comment below.

Brazil is in South America

They have won the world cup five times (world record)

It is the 5th largest country in the world.

It has the famous Amazon river. Unknown tribes live there.

Brazil share its borders with all Sth American countries except for Chile and Ecuador

It is the biggest country in South America

The climate is hot and so are the people.

The clothes are bright colour and cool.

It would be a fun place to go on holiday.

It is named after a tree called ‘Brazil wood’ 

There are 2500 airports in Brazil

Wednesday 13 August 2014

And the chocolate fish goes to Alannah P!

Longest place name in Aotearoa:


Monday 11 August 2014

Super Moon

Room 1's homework. Post a comment or a question below about the super moon.

Wednesday 6 August 2014


Today we learnt about the longest place name in NZ. I wonder who is going to take on the challenge and learn it off by heart by Monday?

Monday 4 August 2014

Room 1's Onawe Pa Model

Not so long ago Room 1 learnt about Onawe Pa which is a village where the Maori used to live. A pa is a village on a big hill. Making a pa is very challenging. We used sticks for the houses, clay for the warriors and the island is made out of sand. 

I learnt that Onawe pa is shaped like a whale. About 1200 Maori  people lived there. The men used to go fishing and hunting and they would then bring back fish and meat which they caught. The women used to stay home and look after the children and do the cooking and house work.

By Jayden

Sunday 3 August 2014

Maui and the Sun

There I was hiding, waiting for the sun to rise.

My feet sore walking day and night

I was holding my grandmothers jawbone waiting until time.

Finally there it was I jumped up and yelled…

Now brothers now!

'Boom ouch, ouch, stop it, please!' the sun sobbed.

I will not kill you I will just make you go slower.

By Katie

Thursday 31 July 2014

What Can I Read?

We have been talking in class (and at parent interviews) about finding suitable reading material. Here are a few ideas to get started and I hope we can add to this as time goes on...

Level 2-3 (Year 5) Readers:

Level 3 (Year 6) Readers:

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Staying safe online

Today we looked again at internet safety. We already know not to give out our personal information online but today we focused on developing strong passwords. We played a game similar to hangman and learnt that the strongest passwords were ones that are not a real word and also contain numbers and punctuation.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope you all have all had a restful holiday and are ready for lots of exciting learning in Term 3!

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Tomorrow is the big day!

Remember to bring your coins and come and see what is on offer at the Senior School's Market Day! All profits will go to charity! Have a look at some of the company websites below and look at their i-movie advertisements.

Monday 23 June 2014

Market Day is nearly here!!!

Room 1 students (and all senior students at Ilam) have been working really hard to get our products created and ready to sell on Thursday in support of charity!

Have a look at Leopard Lemonade's blog / advertisement: http://g2lemonademakers.blogspot.co.nz

Also: http://ilamroomoneorigamiblog.blogspot.co.nz

and http://crayontown.blogspot.co.nz

Sunday 25 May 2014

Go Team Seagate!

Remember back to Godzone 2014 in Kaikoura? Well the winning team Seagate (with our friend Chris Forne) is now taking part in Expedition Africa and we can follow them live on the website: http://www.kineticgear.org/gps-tracking/

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Sherbet lollipops for sale!

             Inline image 1       Sherbet lollipops for sale!!

The Senior School are selling sherbet lollipops to understand more about our Term 2 inquiry "Not Just For Profit!".
Where: On the junior, middle and senior courts.
When: Wednesday at morning tea time.
Price: Prices range from $1 to $2.20

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday at morning tea time!