Tuesday 20 May 2014

Sherbet lollipops for sale!

             Inline image 1       Sherbet lollipops for sale!!

The Senior School are selling sherbet lollipops to understand more about our Term 2 inquiry "Not Just For Profit!".
Where: On the junior, middle and senior courts.
When: Wednesday at morning tea time.
Price: Prices range from $1 to $2.20

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday at morning tea time!


  1. Marissa
    I loved all the happy smile :)

  2. the sherbet was yummy

  3. I came! I saw! But all the lollipops were gone so quickly! Well done on such a successful practice Market Day. Your preentation and advertising were fantastic. I look forward to your REAL market day coming up soon. All the best. From Mrs. Dudley.
